A digital infrastructure to collaborate across silos

Find your Thirdroom solution

Create, Showcase and Track

your own open-innovation network,

for truly collaborative impact.

Your open innovation platform

Showcase Collaboration

Greet all your guest in the lobby, with a live touchscreen version of your innovation, SDG and impact projects. Never has it been so meaningful, exiting and easily engage able to make sustainable Impact.

See how it works

Front end innovation

Create value by tuning into the opportunities for pre-competitive collaboration. Exploring and developing a targeted front end innovation pipeline.

"Our aim is to establish a sense of a room, where people are allowed to collaborate and experiment together"

Alfred Birkegaard, Founder

Systemic Impact

Scale system-level impact by working with non-traditional partners – e.g. startups, SME´s, competitors and other industries, universities and sectors, building a strong-tie innovation network to drive proactive market and product insights. Accelerating the process from idea to go-to market production and implementation, by working with a collaborative framework for systemic innovation.

See an example

AI Scouting -> LiveLab -> Incubation


AI scouting and Matchmaking

Mapping the innovation landscape your entering, can help you navigate clearly, optimize resources, target collaborators to create radical sustainable innovations. Explore the ecosystem network through the platform interface or get a tailored in depth scouting map.

See an example


Convert challenges to big opportunities. Some of our worlds biggest problems, also holds the potential for a systemic collaborative effort around innovative solutions. Collaborate with untraditional partners to foster an ecosystem for sustainable innovations.

See a LiveLab


Thirdroom is the world first digital collaborative incubator. It structures communication, collaboration and mentoring, while showcasing the impact throughout prototypes, pilots, scale-up and new collaborative ventures.

See a case


See examples of matchmaking and multi-stakeholder collaborations in our interactive magazines

Thirdroom makes it intuitive

to collaborate betweenStudents, Researchers and Society


Collaborate. Innovate. Make Impact


Living Library

Greet all who come into a department, with a live touchscreen showcasing what projects are worked on right now! Never have it been so meaningful, exiting and easily engageable to create knowledge.

Use it for open-house events, conferences, classes or exams!

See how it works

" Our Passion is to build bridges that enable Collaboration and real world problem solving"

- Katja Carlsen, Founder

PEER to PEER Community

For the first time the students can see, find and contact their fellow peers and students online, along with seeing what projects they are working on and what interest they have.

This opens up for a whole new peer based learning, where a cup of coffé with an insightful student can mean the world for kicking off a good assignment, project or experiment.


Share your research in a new way

How the timeline strengthens knowledge creation

Deeper Learning & Collaboration

Easily collaborate with fellow students, mentors, professors and people from outside the university.
Embed multimedia content from other tools you like.
The timeline trains the students in 21st century learning skills as Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, as well as academic digital literacy.
The timelime can also be used for online courses, DIY-guides and Startup Projects, and supports Open Science research processes.

See how it works

From Student to Employee 

Every year hundreds of students exit their education with the same title and grades. Through Thirdroom every student will gain a unique portfolio, for applying for jobs and showing their specific competences and focus areas.

The platform also lets you search for specific competences and suggest good collaborators, so they just might be headhunted or asked for internship.

Thirdroom automatically generate an alumni network, along with making it easy for all to build up a network outside of the University.

See a profile

Never have academic work looked so good on SoMe

User Generated Content (UGC) by students, sharing their “Thirdroom” projects on social media, have a much larger possibility to find its way to new potential students, and spread a trustworthy image of what your University is and can.