
All-in-one Collaborative Innovation Software

Thirdroom offers a community software to accelerate impact by connecting and collaborating across networks

Collaborative Edtech

Startup Incubation

Collaborative Ai

Open Challenges

Collaborative Partnerships

"We truly see a brotherhood in Thirdroom's commitment to action. The HelloScience platform and the Thirdroom team have helped us tremendously in our development."


Alexander Løcke, Founder of 4Life Solutions (former SolarSack)

Use Cases

Portfolio and project platform

Manage all  portfolios in one place and provide a live view into the activities that you are supporting.

SDG challenge board

Engage in and post challenges for others to help you solve, gaining new solutions and competences.


Use Thirdroom as an incubation platform for Startups, SME´s and Entrepreneurship.


Thirdroom is your work platform, dissemination website and SoMe all in one.

Open and Citizen Science

Do open research and citizen-science within Thirdrooms project timeline- designed for engagement.

Online Courses

Create online multi media courses and events, making it easy to engage students and the network.